The Theatrics
I got asked to help with a musical for a local school. I was told there was 3 wedding dresses and some other gowns that needed alterations, I really didn't know how busy that was going to be when I got there to the fitting. I would like to say first, those kids are great, it was so much fun doing the fittings they make me laugh! These dresses are old, thrifted and not their choice, but they are so supportive and excited. So I went to a practice and they filtered in as they could trying on their things and got pinned. I made index cards to write down what everything I took home needed and pinned then right on the garments. There was another mom who curated all the costumes, she was so meticulous and she had been working hard on this for a long time. She took on all the male alterations, and I took the female ones. She just loves her kids, and the theater, not sewing- that is so sweet. I would do that for my kids too if they needed it, I would learn to sew if my kids needed it. This cast has the best parents supporting it, no my kids don't go there but now I wish they did!
I ended up with a pile of 15 dresses in the back of my SUV on the way home. Some where never worn vintage gowns, some were worn and super old rotting threads, some had stains. 2 wedding dresses, one with a lace hem, one with glued applique that needed tacked down. 8 or so chiffon dresses with a knit lining, half needed washed, which I did. And one really sad little knit red dress. There were even a couple dresses I had in the house that I am planning on sending in as costume donations. This is my trunk
and this is me goofing around in their costumesIt only took me about 3 days to do all the hemming, and it's all back at the school again. Lots of pastels. I even did a pair of shoulder pads for these costumes, they were old and grodey. One of the dresses had rotted seams, I went over all the stress points, I am glad I went through the dresses they could have had some sad scenes!I added a beaded dress from my practice dresses I cut down from a 14 to a size 4. I am pretty proud of it as it had a beaded sheath that was really shedding with every movement, and a knit under layer. I chopped 4 inches from cap sleeve to hip on both sides. I used a whole tube of e6000 on the seams and shed points of the beads, and then I put it outside to dry it was really stinky. It is a stage costume so I did not do bridal alterations, which would be hand bead all of the shedding trails and glue to the knots. It was far too expensive an alteration and they go by the 30 feet rule, it looks good from 30 feet it is good! It's a clear glue and I am confindent this dress will be gorgeous in the lights on stage. I told the moms to pitch the dress after the play!
This is the after pics. I left the dress form outside on the porch for 4 hours! The actress stopped me when I was dropping it off to tell me how much she likes it and how well it fits. I am not going to spoil the surprise, but I have seen her in the dress, it's gorgeous, it went from matronly to maiden.
I plan on going to their dress rehearsal this weekend with my portable machine "little brother" just in case they need me, and some buttons and thread, and watch them practice. I loved costuming, it was fun figuring out ways to do things, and I impressed myself with how fast I could crank out the hems. I think I would like to try dance costumes eventually also, this was a lot of fun!
So Break a Leg kids! The Show must go on.
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