Master Seamstress of Bridal Alterations

 I met with my mentor, we had a lot to talk about on zoom, and we went through the whole program. I have been emailing her like once a week or more since JULY. She feels I am ready to graduate the program and that I am a "Master Seamstress of Bridal Alterations". It feels pretty good to work on something and complete it, even if it's just a chore, say it with me laundry put away feels like accomplishment. So imagine this; you're unemployed, decide to completely change your career, everything is new, and you get to the end of this kind of road? Wow it's a nice feeling. I still have to learn how to be a business owner, how to deal with clients, and I am sure there is plenty of fabrics, or dresses that will be thinkers....but even when its confusing or difficult I tend to smile and say "still fun". 

 It's awesome though, I really don't think I could be more pleased with the choice to do this. It was scary walking away from a very secure but miserable job. It still is a little, I need to start bringing in some more dollars to really settle it all down.  Even with all the uncertainty I am finally happy with what I am doing. I don't think I ever really was with my old career. I was always upset, I am an empathetic sponge, and I was taking care of people having rough days. My mental health and physical health was crap. I remember praying on the way to work for a broken leg so I could have just a short break to get some rest from all the stress. When I left my job, I was having a lot of health issues and a surgery, the plan for the first 6 months was to go back when I was better. But I felt so good not being there, I just needed to find a way to keep it going. My family, I was missing out on good times, worry and rushing was my personality. This was some bold stuff deciding it was time for a change.

 My husband and I aren't rich we have bills and kids like most of us. I just want to thank him for supporting me so much. He taught me how to sew(long time ago), then he bought and taught me all of my machines. BTW he can't sew more than a seam, but he appreciates what I do more than most. I think I bore people with my gushing over it, one of the many reasons for my blog, you don't want to hear it, click off and forget. :) But he wants to see how I do stuff, and always tells me I did a great job. My momma does too, but Ryan, he's my biggest fan. Thank you honey, I don't think I would have got into the academy if you hadn't pushed me, I didn't feel important enough for the investment. I feel like you see me, it's worth more than all the dollars. 

Also to my Mentor Dee Dee, thank you. Thank you for writing your book and starting your school. Thank you for checking on me! Thank you for all the quick email replies, there is a 2 hour time difference, you're amazing. Thank you for not laughing me out the door when I came to you with this change, not all of us a born into a career some of us trip, stumble and sit flat down in great stuff. I really appreciate you. I think I was supposed to find the school, I didn't even know what I was praying for!
