Rope Trick wrap up

 So "Rope Trick" was a soutache hem dress that was super fun. It didn't need much alteration. I just need to fix arm tears, and a 3 inch hem. It ended up taking forever! Because I didn't have a cording foot. I ordered one, and I hated what came in, then ordered another and it was for a serger, so I ordered another. My first and only experience with this kind of hem, but all done and dusted. 

to review here is the before. 

And a picture of me raging against my machine

and the after! I steamed this dress and then smooshed it into my car I will include the steamed pic on the hanger too. I didn't notice the straps were a little twisted on the first picture of her. I am good a sewing, not so much at photography.  This dress was great practice. The model was super fun too!

We are all done with Rope Trick, bye bye!
