Temu Part 2
I have been working in my studio a lot this past week. Temu is getting ready for a final try on. I finished all of the darts I think I need, and wrestled with the lining. This dress is frustrating from the kind of dress it was. I took out the bad boning, those twist-tie fakes, and I can now see the lining is made from cheese cloth like fabric. It's not quite one ply toilet paper, but you can imagine what I mean if I call it that. It's looking good on the outside though.
Consider this post my love letter/roast of this dress.
She's really 100% Christmas Garland. The very outer layer has a horse hair braid and it was a homework assignment to learn how to raise one that was on netting. It went up 3.5 inches in a sweep from the sides. It really can get wonky because horsehair is not horsehair- it's like braided tuperware. (probably not really). It gets wavy and you have to pin the crap out of it. and it's attached to a very bouncy fluid poof. I love it so much, the look is beautiful but also I see beauty is pain. Worth it pain right!

I wrestled with this last layer of hem for at least an hour until I was satisfied with my pinning before I sewed it down, I stabbed myself and stopped for pictures and a bandaid so not to bleed on it. I sewed it back on with invisible thread. I really am not a fan of that stuff, but it came out very pretty. It just needs tried on, and maybe a final detail of a bustle if my "fake bride" wants one. She plans on keeping the dress, it's only a 3.5 inch hem, I am not sure what that would it would look like but we'll see when she gets back into it. Temu is starting to grow on me, like a fungus, but still growing on me. :)

I wrestled with this last layer of hem for at least an hour until I was satisfied with my pinning before I sewed it down, I stabbed myself and stopped for pictures and a bandaid so not to bleed on it. I sewed it back on with invisible thread. I really am not a fan of that stuff, but it came out very pretty. It just needs tried on, and maybe a final detail of a bustle if my "fake bride" wants one. She plans on keeping the dress, it's only a 3.5 inch hem, I am not sure what that would it would look like but we'll see when she gets back into it. Temu is starting to grow on me, like a fungus, but still growing on me. :)
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