Floating Patience
This week has been busy. I have had maybe 2 days to sew uninterrupted since my last post. Trips to the dentist, playoff games, social visits, and appointments related to school, they have all kept me out of my studio. It has been good to get some other time in. I have been mentally circling my Patience dress, there was some beading to do, straps to shorten, a zipper button loop situation, and the floats needed reattached. I finally got to get going on it.
I got my first real beading experience! I can tell you, when you spill a container of beads and it makes the ching ching ching spill noise as it fills the room with them, you get that same feeling when you have small children and you hear the lego bucket get knocked over.
I fixed the beading on the straps, this was a sample and was therefore abused. I am pretty proud of how they came out. I love shiny stuff, and I like to sit an play beads too, until it's time to clean up.After I fixed the zipper issues, I started to debate about floats. This dress has 7 layers. The side seams had a float, and I was debating with myself if I should leave that alone since I hemmed it off. I steamed the dress, and It hangs in my studio for the day until I feel like it's "set/dry" and I can put back away. I played with the dress on the hanger and decided to put floats back in. I sat down on the floor and put the floats in by gravity, it helped a lot. This is the view after I got done and decided to lay down on my back. Then I decided, to just lay there a while.... contemplate life, and take in just how cool it is to work on something so beautiful. I changed the code name of the dress, from Chafing Patience to just Patience. I had a great time getting back into my studio after a few days break, and completing this dress. This had lots of hard firsts, but, it wasn't bad at all. It was a pleasure and it taught me to settle down even more. I will post finished try on pictures on my model, but I have the confidence to call this one done.
I can't believe I get to play with pretty dresses all day.
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