Working Student!

 So this week I went to a local bridal and tux shop to meet the owner. It's part of my class homework to do this, I needed to ask questions and bring in my business card. It's a good way to know how people do business as I find out I had NO idea how different these shops are. One time I went to a dress store thinking I would luck out on meeting all sorts of seamstresses and they had absolutely NONE. They gave me a list of people that can alter clothing they give that to brides, and they are out the door with their dress.   Another time, the store was run by a seamstress. She had another seamstress working in the back with her, and she knew all about all the dresses.  This last time the shop had rented part of the space to her seamstress. This was neat because the lady could be consulted about ordering dresses, do fittings there, also work from home if she wanted.  There is a lot of things I can do when I complete my training. I definitely want a shop at my home, but I like people too. Lots to consider.  

Back to the reason for this post, at my last visit the owner gave me 2 dresses to take home and work on for her. Small jobs, but her shop was so busy, she was happy to see what I could do. You know I am putting pictures down here. I am proud of what I did, I was a little nervous taking this on, but even when I was working I said out loud- this is fun. I did message my mentor for support- I am so glad I have her right now! 

So the first dress was a floor sample Justin Alexander that had a broken zipper. 

I do confess to running 2 trips to find a good zipper at the store but I was excited it looked perfect. Yeah it's simple and in a few months I will roll my eyes at this, but right now- thrilled!

Next this blush dress Maggie Sotero: The owner asked me to remove the buttons on the back they were yellowed and she wanted them just to be off. 

I did carefully take them off. making sure not to hurt the netting. This was an older dress, and when I removed the buttons, the backings had tarnished and made spots on the dress. 

After consulting my mentor, I decided to save all the buttons and take it back to show her. She may want them back on the dress- or have some idea like it just needed cleaned. If it were my dress I would probably dye the buttons blush and sew back on, but because it wasn't I stopped there. On the way back in the bag I found this stain. Below is the picture of when my heart stopped.
Yep that's probably blood on lace. I just met this owner and look at what I have to bring back. I don't know if it was there or not. You better believe I panicked. I do not KNOW how to remove blood from lace. I am rambling in my brain....looks like you just bought yourself a dress....fantastic button marks and a blood stain... I again, then bothered my mentor. What a disgrace I am.....She is probably going to block me....I am going to drive her to drink....I bet she is trilled to live nice and far away from this crazy girl.....this is it, I am getting booed out of the dress shop for sure.  My sweet mentor messaged back right away she had snapped me right back to reality. She said fix it, also told me exactly how. oh yeah I could do that. I could calm down and try. So I did. I found a piece of leaf on a lower lace that was sort of lifted and I snipped it off. I trimmed off the blood and gently sewed it in place on the lace. 

I learned so much from this experience. I was nervous but on top of it, it was fun and exciting. My mentor deserves a beer. Please message me if you ever are looking for classes, she's worth every penny.

I went back to the dress shop and the owner was pleased with the work I did. She was not upset about the button marks, she told me she was preparing that for charitable donation and she didn't need to make any more changes. I showed her the blood stain repair and she was happy with my work. At that place they don't shake hands they hug, and they also paid me some money for my trouble. So that's my first paid job I guess?  

This coming week we will be finishing Smelliot hem and bustle!
