Smelliot part 1

 So I just got into my first wedding gown practice! I got this dress from a dress shop in the area and it was a floor sample. The owner knew I was looking for something to work on, it didn't matter what size, and it needed to have a train. She gave me a great deal, and now that is my favorite dress shop. So this gown is an Enmanuel(umlots over the u). I googled the designer doing some research to find out the year, and I couldn't find anything! She shared with me it had been there "forever". It's ivory and what I think is taffeta and lace. It's a very odd fabric, and I am not sure maybe that's why it has a certain smell to it(maybe plastic). It could be the bag it's in too, vinyl, or something else? It's not a horrible smell, but it's got one.  I would/will donate this back when I am done if my model doesn't want this, it's not ruined. It's just needing some air, I have some breathable garment bags and will try storing this as I work on her. I affectionately name all of my dresses and dress forms! This is "smelliot", and my best dress form for the job is "boobsmagee".  (It should be established I am hilarious all the time). I have started her already but now I have to wait for a shipment before I continue.

 Here are before pics, dogs not included:

Here's the plan: It needs a hem for sure. It also has a really wonky side seam zipper. I have had a few thin friends, gracious model included, try it on and it's got no room in the ribs. I think It could have been altered? Not sure, if so the seamstress was a ninja, I can't find it.  So step one is take out that zipper and sew up the side seam, adding a new opening to the center back and putting in a corset kit.  Then, step two will be to hem to the model.  Then step three bustle practice! 

Here's how far I got, step one is half done. I need to match thread and get my corset kit in. zipper is out and seam is up. Lining is sewn up. Center back was found and opened. and now it's on the hanger waiting for it's shipment! 

It is a new ball game when you have to wrap the lining around you because the dress is enormous. Hubby thought that was pretty funny. 

So that is part one, until we get our delivery. Smell ya later!!!!
